Easter Eggs Examples
Introduction The art of decorating Easter eggs is one of Romanian traditional arts maybe the greatest art in the pure sense of this term. Because if the folk costumes are closely related human life, with his needs, having a functional role which transcends the decorative role. The art of decorating Easter eggs is cultivated only to obtain the beauty whiteout any obligations.

Easter eggs are kept all over the year nice placed in vases realising a colouristic effect in Romanian house.

Natural because the egg is the symbol of creation a primordial element a vital  nucleus including the mystery of fecundity so as an expression of the beauty, harmony and the cosmic perfection.
used in 
Easter Eggs

There are  four categories:

- Monochrome: red, yellow, orange, green, blue, violet;
- Monochrome with decoration;
- Polychrome with decoration;
- With relief decoration. 

Recently, eggs decorated with beads.

Usually all are known as ‘rusite’  (red eggs) 

The monochrome easter eggs are named “merisoare” (cowberry)  or “dragostea fetelor”  (girls love).

Monochromes or polychromes, decorated Easter eggs are named by the zone they are from: painted eggs, "impistrite"   or  "impiestrite"  (frequently used in Bucovina and Moldavia), "incondeiate"  or written (Muntenia, Oltenia, Transilvania and Banat), "impietrite"  (stoned).

Polychrome  and decorated  Easter eggs are known as “muncite” (hard worked) or “necajite” (concerned) eggs because they are made by hard work and master craft.


Black -means absolute, eternity, lasting. In mythology is the attribute of gods and spirits who lives underground;
Red -is the symbol of blood, life, purifying fire, sun, love and joy of life;
Yellow -light, youth, happiness, harvest, hospitality
Green -reborn of nature, freshness, fruitful, hope;
White -purity, innocence, born;
Blue -the sky, talisman of health and vitality;
Orange -force, patience, ambition;
Brown -fertile soil;
Violet -self-control, patience, believe in justice.

-series of animals (figures or representations of different life forms: bees, frog, snake, snail, fish, goat, rooster, horse, fly, goose’s paw, rooster’s comb, deer’s antlers

-series of vegetal motifs: includes pine leaf, oak leaf, clover, snowdrop, cowslip, carnation, grain ear , kernel

-series of  tools: fork, reel, staff, shovel, plough

-series of industrial ornaments: folds

-series of other ornaments: wallets, belts, lost ways.

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Last modified: March 21, 2000